
To Check for local planning authority in Karnataka :

Local Planning Authorities in Bengaluru Metropolitan Region

Bengaluru Metropolitan Region(BMR) is a statutory authority constituted on date 01-02-1986 under the provisions of the Bengaluru Metropolitan Region Development Authority Act 1985, for planning, coordinating and supervising the proper and orderly development of the areas within BMR. BMR comprises Bengaluru Urban District, Bengaluru Rural District & Ramanagaram District. The total area Bengaluru Metropolitan Region is about 8005 Sq Kms.In the BMR the following authorities constituted for the respective local planning areas :


Function of the Planning Authority:

The Planning Authority function as per the provisions of the KTCP Act 1961. As per Act, the Authorities gives technical opinion for the conversion of agricultural lands, accords approval for development of layouts and Development Plans and issue Commencement Certificate for construction of buildings.

The main functions of the Planning Authorities are:

  • To plan for orderly development and control in development of land uses under the Karnataka Town & Country Planning Act, 1961. It has the following duties under the Karnataka Town & Country Planning Act, 1961   

  • Preparation of existing land use plans including base map of Local Planning Area as per the provisions of Section (5) of Karnataka Town & Country Planning Act, 1961.

  •  Preparation of Master Plan for the Local Planning Area as per the provisions of Section (5) to (13) of Karnataka Town & Country Planning Act, 1961and obtaining  approval of the Government.

  • According permission for layout/building/development, change of landuse, conversion opinion, bifurcation & sub-division of sites asper the provisions of approved       Master Plan & Zonal Regulations under Section (14) to (18) of Karnataka Town & Country Planning Act, 1961

  • Preparation and implementation of Town Planning Schemes in connection with implementing the Master Plan of Local Planning Area as per the provisions of Section     (26) to (68) of Karnataka Town & Country Planning Act, 1961.

  • Maintenance of funds of the Planning Authority, Budget, Accounts & Audit, preparation of Annual Report as per the provisions of Karnataka Town & Country Planning    Act, 1961.

  • Taking up lake development works and other development activities out of the funds available in the Planning Authority.